Coding Interview — Stocks 101 (Array)
When to buy/sell the stock? Given an array contains the daily price for a stock. Try to find the maximum profit.
Input: [20,10,30,44,26,40,50]
Output: 58
Buy on day 2 and sell on day 4, profit = 44-10 = 34.
Buy on day 5 and sell on day 7, profit = 50-26 = 24.
Thought process:
From previous question Move Zeros, we know that at least we want to loop through the input array once, so the Time Complexity would be O(n)
. We can use an additional data structure (i.e. Array/Linked List/Map/Set
) to help us storing the day-to-day profit, and sum the profits at the end. But wait a second, do we really care about which day we make how much profit? Or can we just sum up the total profit while looping through the input array?
makeProfit(prices) { // Use a constant space O(1) to record total profit.
let profit = 0; // While looping through the input array, we calculate the profit and add it to the sum.
for(let i = 0; i < prices.length - 1; i++) {
profit += Math.max(0, prices[i + 1] - prices[i]);
return profit;
Key Notes:
- Save Space
- How to track & calculate the profit from the input array?
What’s the next question?
Find Duplicates — Given an array of numbers, return true if any number appears more than once in the array, otherwise return false. (thought process and solution)
Before You Go —
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